purkinje layer

网络  节细胞层; 细胞层



  1. NPY neurons are distributed in Purkinje cell layer, and the optical density averages of NPY in 0 mg/ kg group are significantly higher than that of 100 mg/ kg and 200 mg/ kg group ( p < 0.01).
  2. Immunoreactive neurons of NPY in silky fowl cerebellum are mainly located in the Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellar cortex, which is not found in molecular layer, granular layer and cerebellar central nuclei.
  3. The density of the positive cells in granular cell layer and medulla as well as the linear density in Purkinje cell ( PC) layer were calculated under microscope.
  4. The development of synapse of Purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex in Chinese Human Fetus at fetal age of the week 19 、 21 、 26 and 34 are observed by ultrathin section technique.
  5. Conclusion: The Purkinje fiber, in normal adult goat ventricular muscular layer, is a dynamic structure composed of bundle cells and/ or cardiomyocytes.
  6. The expression only presented in hippocampus and Purkinje cellular layer of cerebellum in senile rats.
  7. The Development of synapse of Purkinje Cell Layer of Cerebellar Cortex in Chinese Fetus
  8. GDNF immunoreactive fibers or bodies were found in molecular layer and Purkinje layer of cerebellum.
  9. In the cerebellar cortex, the granular layer was generally shown to have rather strong activity of AChE while the Purkinje cell's layer and the superficial part of the molecular layer were negative for AChE reaction.